SIP trunks are a form of telephone line provided over a network connection such as ADSL, Fibre to the Cabinet (FTTC) or Leased Line. It is a ‘virtual’ telephone line where the equipment on the end of the connection such as a single IP handset or IP telephone system translates your voice to IP packets so they can travel across the Internet.
What are the benefits of SIP Trunks?
By using SIP trunks, your business can reduce the amount it spends on the underlying telephone lines by replacing ISDN2 and ISDN30 circuits. SIP trunks are comparable to ISDN as they still offer the option of DDI (Direct Dial Inwards) numbers and other network features normally associated with ISDN.
SIP trunks offer a vast cost-reduction against ISDN as they are cheaper (free) to install and the monthly rental charges are much lower. The other benefit is that they can be installed within hours, unlike with ISDN circuits.
When deciding on whether to use SIP trunks for your business, it is imperative to ensure that your network can support the additional network traffic concerned with voice calls. This is where you need to consider the underlying connectivity and whether any further investment is required. Utilising your existing ADSL connection might be good for home user or a very small office, but these connections come with no SLA and are a ‘best-endeavour’ effort when faulty. If investing in a telephony solution using SIP trunks, it may be that your business needs to consider a leased line or similar connection that comes with an SLA.
Here at Finn Telecom, we would also always advise to allow up to 100kbps upload speed per concurrent voice call. This way, you should avoid dropped or robotic calls.
Contact us today for more information and a bespoke solution for your business.